The Ohio Network of Children’s Advocacy Centers recently developed a report which identified the various factors that impact children who have fallen victim to abuse and mistreatment. The report sought to provide insight on child abuse and how the organization aims to provide support to Ohio’s children and families.


The report found that substance abuse, mental health issues, and concentrated neighborhood disadvantages such as high poverty and high unemployment rates are some of the main factors for child abuse. Other factors such as family disorganization and parenting stress can contribute to mistreatment as well.

Protective factors for child abuses exist at various levels. There is evidence to support that a supportive family environment as well as adequate food and housing are effective factors in mitigating child abuse. The better the situation is for a family, the less likely for child abuse to occur.

Seth Boughton of the Ohio Network for Children’s Advocacy Centers recently spoke about this report on a webinar hosted by He discussed the various risk factors associated with child abuse and identified as an effective resource for those affected by mistreatment. The webinar can be found online here.